Portfolio: Five Decades of Change | LAI Video

Five Decades of Change

When we partnered with SIFMA on the 50th anniversary of its Compliance and Legal Society, we knew that we had to do something special and significant and not boring. After all, when you look back at the last five decades of the financial industry, it’s a friggin’ rollercoaster! In lieu of a traditional retrospect, we set out on a storytelling adventure to sit down with some of the most respected names who witnessed — no, made! — history.

Casting a Face for that Voice

The 50th anniversary of the C&L Annual Seminar was an extraordinary opportunity to explore a turbulent evolution of an industry that could continually rely on a constant voice from SIFMA. When pitching a short documentary, we knew we needed a host that could thread together five decades of change and represent that constant voice. We cast SIFMA’s very own General Counsel, Ira Hammerman, and traveled across the country to talk with the industry’s most recognizable history-makers.

A Who’s Who of Financial Crisis

Structuring the piece into five distinct acts, we selected a challenge for each decade that our cast of experts could describe. From the Paperwork Crisis and the Market Crash of the ’87 to the September 11th Terrorist Attacks and the Financial Crisis of ’08, Hammerman listened to the behind the scenes drama from the players who repeatedly steered the financial sector from further catastrophe. Cat, Favata, Anthony and Jun staged each sit down conversation to follow the same blocking, allowing for an edit that could comfortably cut between many subjects. 

It’s a Travel Channel Show for Finance!

Phil took the market share of the editing, assembling a robust narrative that compressed hours of interviews into a taught 17-minute program. Featuring archival footage of the New York Stock Exchange and pneumatic tubes, along with media coverage and a slick graphics package, the fast-moving final video plays like an episode from a non-existent financial series. Ending on a note of positivity and collaboration, the video pays tribute to all the good people of the compliance sector that keep the industry on track.