Portfolio: CropLife America's "#GiveACrop" Video | LAI Video


We partnered with CropLife America on a new marking campaign designed to start a dialogue about pesticide use and encourage people to #GiveaCrop.

Embracing Your Inner Comedy Bug

Whether you're a proud grower or a satisfied shopper, when you #GiveaCrop you're saying that youre not afraid to have the talk about the produce you love and the pests you don't. The core of the #GiveaCrop initiative is an ongoing series of short commercials that were both funny and light while still delivering an important educational message. Using slapstick humor, clever metaphors, and a bit of sexual innuendo, we wrote a variety of sketches that grabbed the attention of consumers and policy-makers.

Pest Design

Several of the spots feature a Pest, a man-child-type character so vile that he interrupts everyday scenarios. We all know that guy! Other spots focus on farmer-talk; farmers that have awkward conversations about using protection. And a follow-up series compared the use of pesticides to other essential tools for the job. Justin wrote the scripts for the long-running campaign, while Sarah, Favata, and Alexandria cast and directed the actors. After securing our pests, farmers, and background artists, we scouted real-life locations, including authentic office settings, farm, and baseball fields. We also purchased props and were lucky enough to have longtime cosplayer, Tiffany, design each original Pest costume.


We conducted focus groups with CropLife America affiliates to gauge the reactions from different demographics to help inform how we launched and executed the campaign for maximum creation and execution. This feedback was pivotal to the creation of this campaign and was used to inform and develop developed an initial roll-out plan for the campaign's launch. 

A Microsite For Macro-Impressions

As the original Pest mascot grew in stature, he was immortalized on the #GiveaCrop logo. He made cameos in   a subsequent (and crowd-sourced!) series, and he was even made into a bobble-head! The Pest, as well as the supporting campaign visuals, wrapped countless social graphics, GIFs, memes, and other ways of offering factoids and debunking the many myths surrounding the crop protection industry. Laugh. Learn. And share. And remember these tactics for your next industry-wide campaign.