Portfolio: I Am IH Video Campaign | LAI Video


We partnered with the American Industrial Hygiene Association and their new #IAmIH project -- an awareness campaign designed to highlight the people behind the industrial hygiene profession. We devised a series of short day-in-the-life vignettes to embody the IH community and jumpstart an industry-wide storytelling campaign. 

Hint: It Has Nothing to do with Your Teeth!

A lot of people don't know what the heck "industrial hygiene" is and are surprised to learn about its role in maintaining workplace safety which is now more important than ever before. Similar to other human interest documentaries, we worked closely with AIHA to identify the right professionals. The type of folks who will clearly illustrate the responsibilities of the job, its diversity and have a story that will lend itself to a video format. We poured over stellar submissions, considering a cast of characters with careers in government, law enforcement and even theme parks. With our champions secured, Favata and Cat began preliminary interviews and hit the road. 

Warning: Safety Goggles Not Included

Kicking off the series with Bob Kirby, the crew traveled to the Michigan State Police Department to both shadow and direct the IH professional. Jun improvised handheld and slider shots as Bob walked us through his sprawling forensics lab, describing the profession as an ever changing challenge -- something that is both science and art. Tiffany cut together the pilot for the new I Am IH series, which presented Bob as just one of the many rock stars within an industry. The award-winning episode debuted at AIHce 2017 as a rallying cry for all IH professionals to submit their own video stories. The multimedia campaign continued with both crowdsourced material and produced installments of an industrial hygenist in an aircraft manufacturing company, multinational healthcare and consumer goods conglomerate, and the U.S. Capitol. Each piece focused on the individual challenges and excitement of ensuring the safety of their colleagues in their work settings. We also produced a sizzle reel that combined the stories of each industrial hygenist for AIHA to further their awareness video campaign to give an inside look into the people who make sure that face masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) are built effectively.