Portfolio: Co|Lab's "Ode To Innovation" Video | LAI Video

Co|Lab’s “Ode to Innovation”

From helicopter expeditions and time-lapse photography to interviews with composite animation, LAI Video has evolved its storytelling techniques to advance with the built environment industry. But how do we tell a story about innovation itself? We partnered with HITT Contracting to promote Co|Lab, an exciting new resource that will bring the construction community together for experimentation. A rallying call for industry-wide collaboration, the promo portrays Co|Lab not only as a physical space, but also as an inspiring visual metaphor for building change.

Building a Sustainable Premise

HITT launched Co|Lab with the vision of addressing today’s complex construction challenges through collaboration – bringing together members of the architecture and engineering community to research, test and share experiences. With the building itself still in development, HITT was in need of a teaser that would excite partners for R&D facility. Keeping Co|Lab’s ethos as the forefront, Loizou and Niles pitched a concept that would imprint the ideas onto the building’s surfaces. Propelled by a lyrical anthem, the team would use a high-powered projector to illuminate the unfished building with larger-than-life visuals that reveals the industry’s aspirations for the future.

Projecting the Future

With nothing more than a shell of a building to work with, the projector concept would only work at night. As dusk set in, Stephanie, Favata and Jun arrived at the active construction site with the camera gear, projectors and a computer full of visuals. From a bustling office space to a blooming flower, drilling machinery to a thriving bee colony, we compiled images that reflect the industry’s relationship to nature and commitment to teamwork. Using Co|Lab’s interiors and exteriors as our canvas, the visuals juxtapose with poetic script, highlighting essential themes of productivity, results, and reduced environmental impact. 

Who’s Doing the Innovating Anyways?

As the high-concept piece unfolded, it became clear that the video should anchor its lofty promises with actual people. During a second night shoot, we recorded HITT employees, who – together – recited their commitment to collaboration. Appealing directly to viewers, the employees humanize the need for the industry to come together. The final video debuted at Co|Lab’s groundbreaking ceremony, serving as a formal declaration for transformation and a rallying cry to unite the next generation of builders.