Virtual Standing Ovation Awards: DCEF | LAI Video

Standing Ovation Awards

LAI Video recently completed our fifth collaboration with DC Education Fund to celebrate the accomplishments of DCPS educators. After the success of 2021s fully virtual show, DCEF decided to maintain the virtual format — less for safety precautions and more for accessibility. Melinda, Alexandria, and Favata pitched a complete show experience that would allow awardees to celebrate with their school communities and allow DCPS to unveil some of its most exciting new initiatives. Featured interviews were full of emotion; short documentaries redefined the school system’s mission; and special host Kal Penn brought it all together in one outstanding 45-minute show.

So Good, They Showed it Twice

DC Education Fund wanted to include the whole DCPS community in this years Standing Ovation. Their goal required a product that could be shown twice: once on a live stream during school hours, and once at an in-person event later in the evening. Alexandria and Favata worked stylized segments that could be cut or adjusted for the different viewing formats, while also ensuring all essential marketing content could be easily distributed apart from the events.

Dual-purpose Documentaries

Standing Ovation 2022 marked the beginning of a new school year, and a new era, for DCPS, as they launched DCPS Becoming” program. Presented as one of two special presentations within the Standing Ovation, our short documentary allowed leadership and educators to explain the intentions behind the ambitious whole-child and anti-racist approach to education. This featurette, along with a second short doc on DCPS’s ongoing Redesign work, debuted within Standing Ovation and continue to play to specific audiences across the District.

The Honor At Hand

While the focus of Standing Ovation was much broader this year, the program still honors extraordinary achievements in education. This year, 23 DCPS teachers, principals, and staff were given “of the year” status for their contributions to their schools. Over a two-day filming session, Alexandria, Megan, and Henry filmed all honorees in our studio, giving them a chance to humbly speak on the responsibilities of the job. Throughout the final program, these five compilations offered words of wisdom and inspiration to viewers, while also giving each awardee their much-earned standing ovation. 

A Finish to Remember

To close the program, we pitched a “big finish” ending that embodied the energy of a pep rally. Alexandria, Favata, Donovan, and Jun joined Eastern High Schools esteemed Blue and White Marching Machine on their daily practice route through the community, capturing the booming roll calls and brass. The band wrote a tune just for the performance, and our team took to the streets to highlight the talented band and dance team. The closing fanfare became a defining moment on-screen and in-person, giving DCPS some serious reasons to cheer.