From the villages of Madagascar to the campuses of colleges and corporations, LAI Video saw a little bit of everything in 2023. We helped our partners advertise, recruit, spread awareness, educate, and fundraise. We filmed, animated, and investigated the future of AI. We connected with old clients, fostered new relationships, and welcomed all collaborations. Simply put, it was a year of exploration.
To keep with 2023’s adventurous spirit, we invite you to explore our favorite projects from this year. See our continuing work with Amazon, DC Public Schools, and Farm Credit Council or check out new partnerships with Operation Homefront and World Food Program USA.
Amazon Principal Engineers - "Black is Inspiring"
LAI Video helped Amazon hire qualified and diverse new leaders with this extensive campaign that features seven intimate testimonials and provides prospective Amazonians with a firsthand look at the careers and accomplishments of Amazon's top engineering talent. The series also includes two stand-alone videos, “Black is Inspiring” and “Celebrating Hispanic Culture,” that focus on building diverse communities at Amazon. It’s not easy to hire qualified leaders that match your culture, but Amazon found success through LAI Video. Learn more about our recruitment capabilities and Amazon’s Principal Engineering Recruitment.
DC Public Schools & DC Ed Fund - "DCPS Persists"
Our team helped DC Public Schools (DCPS) and DC Ed Fund (DCEF) achieve numerous goals this year, from boosting enrollment to investing in the future. However, one of the most unique projects stemmed from the DCPS Persists initiative, a mentorship program for DCPS Alumni and first-generation college students. DCEF wanted to spread awareness of Persists’ impact for both potential participants and DCEF donors, and LAI Video found the perfect way to do so. Spotlighting active mentors in their college environment, our video for DCPS Persists showed current high-school students a glimpse of their future while also presenting donors with a heart-warming success story.
Farm Credit Council - "Farm Credit Stories"
A longstanding project with Farm Credit Council (FCC) found new breath this year as we helped their marketing and communications team promote essential work in the agriculture industry. Traveling to farms and small businesses around the country, LAI Video captured the incredible impact of FCC’s “Farm Credit Mission” which seeks to support our country’s independent farmers. These spotlights or “Farm Credit Stories” help FCC reach new partners and reinforce the importance of their many financial and advisory initiatives. This year, as a first, we also partnered with FCC on an animated advocacy video to raise awareness of their actions in local and federal government.
Operation Homefront - "Military Families PSA"
Operation Homefront needed a powerful message to mobilize their supporters, and they wanted to distribute this message concisely over radio, broadcast, and digital video. Partnering for the first time, LAI Video helped Operation Homefront craft a one-of-a-kind PSA featuring genuine veteran voices and their families. We then reformatted the message into audio spots, tight cutdowns, and solo spotlights to drive engagement across all distribution platforms. It was a meaningful and successful first partnership with Operation Homefront, and we hope to support their mission in the coming years.
World Food Program USA - Madagascar Site Visit
Over the Summer, World Food Program (WFP) USA asked LAI Video to help them document authentic, yet joyful, stories in Madagascar to communicate hope to their donors. In response, we sent our top producer-cinematographer duo to film interviews, b-roll, and documentary content for all 10 days of their visit. We focused on moments of honesty and connection to the greater WFP mission, driving support for WFP’s overall cause. Upon returning, LAI Video turned this content into an intimate video series in record time, helping WFP USA hit tight deadlines as the year closed. While this content is not yet shareable, we look forward to showing the results of this incredible partnership in 2024.
Thank you to all the clients we worked with in 2023! While we wish we could highlight all of our client work, there are simply too many projects that we are proud of. Now, as the year comes to aclose and we reflect on our year of exploration, we only grow more excited for the projects, people, and video that will define 2024. Hope to see you there!